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71 Items
Sugar beetAd for Lanes Improved Imperial Sugar Beet, B.K. Bliss & Sons, New York, 1872. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Medieval peasantPeasant carrying a shovel in the 1400s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Farmers making apple cider, 1800sFarmers pressing apples to make cider, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Picking apples, a farm scene near Prides Bridge, Maine, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Oregon wheatfields, late 1800sFarmland of Polk County, Oregon, as seen from Mount Pizgah, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Corn, beans and squash grown the native American wayNative American three-sisters method of growing corn, beans, and squash, New Mexico. Photograph
Pair of horses pulling a plow - calendar illustration for the month of March. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Orange grove in CaliforniaCalifornia orange grove, 1890s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Milking-time in a dairy barn, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Colonial farmers in New Sweden, 1600sSwedish settlers harvesting wheat in Delaware, 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Conflict between English and Dutch colonists in ConnecticutEnglish and Dutch farmers quarreling in colonial Connecticut, 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Steam plow on a Dakota farm, 1890sFarmer using a steam plow in the Dakotas, 1890s. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Corn on the Navajo reservation, ArizonaNavajo cornfield, dry-farming method, near Chinle, Arizona. Photograph
Agriculture in the Middle AgesPeasants sowing and cultivating fields outside a walled town in the Middle Ages. Printed halftone reproduction of a medieval manuscript miniature
Boats on the lower Mississippi River, 1850sSteamboats and a raft passing a sugar plantation on the Mississippi River, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Homesteader plowing a western prairie, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Hay harvest, 1800sFarmers haying, a calendar illustration for June, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Cotton plant. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Sulky plow, 1800sFarmer riding a sulky plow drawn by a pair of horses, circa 1890. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Putting in seed on a bonanza farm, 1800sSeeding grain on a bonanza farm, North Dakota, early 1890s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Windmill ad, about 1900Advertisement for Aermotor Co. windmills, Chicago, about 1900. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Maize, or indian corn plant. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
American farm family gathering pumpkins and husking maize, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Father and son plowing a fieldFarm boy leading a team of horses while his father steers the plow. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of an illustration
Training a young horse, 1800sMen trying to bridle a wary horse in a barnyard, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Wisconsin farm of Belgian immigrants, 1800sBelgian immigrants farm and windmill, Heritage Hill, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Photograph
Tobacco grown in Colonial WilliamsburgTobacco plants grown at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. Photograph
Medieval milking and churningPeasants milking cows and a goat, and churning butter, 1100s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a medieval illustration
Neighbors sharing farm work on the Great PlainsPrairie settlers helping a neighbor with his farm work, circa 1900. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a photograph
Rural romanceGirl and boy helping with spring farm chores. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
A hay ride, 1800sChildren riding atop a hay wagon pulled by a pair of horses, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Steel windmillWindmill for pumping water manufactured by Aermotor Company. Digital photograph
Cultivation of tobacco in colonial Virginia. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Dairy herdJersey cows in a spring pasture. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Apple pickersYoung woman carrying a basket of apples from an orchard. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Cotton-press, 1800sAfrican-American workers baling cotton in a cotton-press, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Buff cochin chickensBuff cochin hens and rooster, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Indians tapping the caoutchouc, or India-rubber tree Hand-colored woodcut
Asian workers curing raisins in the vineyards of California, 1890s. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration
Harvesting a Carolina rice-field. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Gathering pumpkins, an October scene in New England, 1860s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Farmer in his cornfield praying for rain, 1800s. Hand-colored halftone of a 19th-century illustration
Cranberry bog pickers at work on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1890s. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a photograph
Spring farmers work to clear away stones with an ox team. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Cyrus Hall McCormicks reaper, invented in 1847. Hand-colored woodcut
Young woman milking a cow in a pasture. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Mount Vernon fieldsTilled field at Mount Vernon, George Washingtons home in Virginia. Photograph
Mount Vernon lettuce bedLettuce in the vegetable gardens at Mount Vernon, George Washingtons home in Virginia. Photograph
Hay family, North DakotaHay art - a family constructed out of hay bales along a North Dakota road. Photograph
WheatRipe wheat displayed at Sutters Fort, Sacramento, California. Digital photograph
Moundbuilders harvesting corn and squashMoundbuilders gathering their crops of maize and squash. Hand-colored photogravure reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Native Americans harvesting maize. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Pioneers and their ox-teams plowing the prairies west of the Mississippi, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Pioneer plow, Great Smoky MountainsHandmade plow with an iron blade, Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee. Photograph
Homesteaders planting corn on the prairieHomesteaders dropping seeds to sow corn on the Great Plains, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Pioneer children bringing the cows home, southern Appalachians. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Daughter bringing the cattle home. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Wheatfield in ArizonaWheatfield in the Sonoran Desert, Arizona. Photograph
Closeup of windmill manufactured by Aermotor Company. Digital photograph
Closeup of spinning windmill manufactured by Aermotor Company. Digital photograph
Harvesting wheat on a Dakota bonanza farm, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Tobacco plant. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Wine-press in Longworths wine-cellars, Ohio, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Farmer plowing sod with a team of horses, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Horsedrawn sleds hauling sap in a maple sugar camp 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Clearing farmland in spring for planting, using ox and horse teams to plow and pull stumps. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Farm women pouring milk into a churn in dairy barn. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration
Wheat in a fieldWheat field in the Sonoran Desert, Arizona. Photograph
Plymouth Rock chickensImproved Plymouth Rock hens and rooster, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration