Mormons caught in a prairie blizzard en route to UtahMormon hand-cart company struggling across the plains to Salt Lake City. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Tower of the Winds in Athens, ancient GreeceTower of the Winds topped by a weathervane of Triton, and with sundials on the outer walls, ancient Athens. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
St. Elmos fire on a sailing shipSaint Elmos fire, an electrical phenomenon, on a ships masts. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Petroglyphs in Lobo Canyon, NMNative American petroglyphs in Lobo Canyon, Cebolla Wilderness, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Zuni eagle godFlying Eagle Man, war god of Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-cenury illustration
Tornado in Kirksville, Maryland, 1899Tornado approaching a house in Kirksville, Maryland, April 27, 1899. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Petroglyphs of the Jornada-Mogollon culture, NMThunderhead Jornada-Mogollon petroglyph at Three Rivers site, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Ceremonial figure with rain cloud, fresco on interior kiva wall ca. 1500, Tiguex ( Kuaua Pueblo ) on the Rio Grande, Coronado State Park in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Thunderbird with lightning and rain, fresco on interior kiva wall, circa 1500, Tiguex (Kuaua Pueblo) on the Rio Grande, Coronado State Park in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Tipi in a blizzardNative American tepee in a snowstorm, emitting embers from center smoke-hole. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Rainstorm on the high plains, New MexicoRainstorm over the arid plains of the Four Corners area, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Lightning striking the high plains, New MexicoLightning over the arid plains near the Four Corners, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Benjamin Franklin flying a kite to demonstrate the electrical nature of lightning. Hand-colored woodcut
Native American ceremonial figure with rain, fresco on a kiva interior wall, circa 1500, Tiguex (Kuaua Pueblo) on the Rio Grande, Coronado State Park in Bernalillo County, New Mexico