American General Henry KnoxRevolutionary War General Henry Knox with some of his field artillery. Hand-colored engraving of a portrait
Valley Forge campfire, Revolutionary WarDispirited American soldiers huddle around a campfire at Valley Forge. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
EVRV2D-00199Artillery defending the Continental Army winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2A-00022George Washington marching the Continental Army to Valley Forge winter camp. Hand-colored halftone of a 19th-century illustration
Winter at Valley Forge, Revolutionary WarAmerican troops huddle in the cold at Valley Forge during the American Revolution. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Valley Forge soldiers trying to keep warmContinental soldiers at winter camp in Valley Forge, Revolutionary War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Revolutionary War cannon at Valley ForgeField artillery in snow on a Continental Army redoubt at Valley Forge winter camp, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
Valley Forge visit of Martha Washington, 1777Martha Washington visiting the Continental Army encampment at Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration
Revolutionary War sites near PhiladelphiaMap of the Philadelphia area, Valley Forge, and the Brandywine. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
EVRV2D-00045Pitcher and basin in General Washingtons bedroom at Valley Forge winter camp, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph of a restored National Park site
Valley Forge artilleryArtillery defending the Continental Army winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2D-00198Artillery defending the Continental Army winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2D-00020Continental Army soldiers cabins reconstructed at Valley Forge winter camp, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph of a reconstructed National Park site
EVRV2D-00073Continental soldiers cabins reconstructed at the Valley Forge winter camp, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2D-00204Artillery defending the Continental Army winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2D-00200Artillery defending the Continental Army winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
Valley Forge cabins in the snowContinental Army cabins reconstructed at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
Patriots of African descent memorial at Valley ForgeAfrican-American Revolutionary War soldier memorial at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
PREV2A-00013Baron von Steuben on horseback with other Continental Army officers at Valley Forge. Hand colored engraving of a painting
EVRV2A-00188General George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette in the cold at Valley Forge winter camp during the American Revolution. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration
EVRV2A-00011Valley Forge soldier on picket duty in the snow, awaiting his relief shift, American Revolution Hand-colored halftone of a 19th-century illustration by F.C. Yohn
EVRV2D-00202Artillery defending the Continental Army winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2D-00043General Washingtons desk at his winter camp headquarters in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph of a restored National Park site
EVRV2D-00039General Washingtons headquarters at Valley Forge during winter encampment, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph of a reconstructed National Park site
EVRV2D-00037General Washingtons headquarters at Valley Forge during winter encampment, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph of a reconstructed National Park site
EVRV2D-00203Artillery defending the Continental Army winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2D-00207African-American revolutionary soldier memorial at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
Valley Forge soldiers hut, Revolutionary WarContinental soldiers cabin reconstructed at Valley Forge winter camp, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2D-00201Artillery defending the Continental Army winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2D-00206African-American revolutionary soldier memorial at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph
EVRV2A-00189Continental soldier in shabby clothing in the snow at Valley Forge winter camp, American Revolution. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration