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Sword Collection

Background imageSword Collection: Bayeaux Tapestry portraying the Norman Conquest

Bayeaux Tapestry portraying the Norman Conquest
Norman invasion of England in 1066 A.D. Color lithograph reproduction of part of the Bayeux tapestry

Background imageSword Collection: French uniforms during the Napoleonic Wars

French uniforms during the Napoleonic Wars
French army uniforms: infantry 1814-1825, grenadier 1812-1815, and cavalry 1805-1812. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Alexandre Dumass Three Musketeers in a sword-fight

Alexandre Dumass Three Musketeers in a sword-fight. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Confederate General Robert E

Confederate General Robert E. Lee in 1862 or 1863. Photograph 19th century

Background imageSword Collection: French soldiers uniforms, 1790s

French soldiers uniforms, 1790s
French hussar, cavalry, and infantry uniforms, 1795-1796. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Knights of medieval Germany

Knights of medieval Germany
German knights in armor from 1300, 1315, and 1360. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Celtic bronze swords

Celtic bronze swords
Bronze swords of the Celts, found in Ireland. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration of artifacts

Background imageSword Collection: Barbary Pirates threatening US commander Stephen Decatur

Barbary Pirates threatening US commander Stephen Decatur
Commodore Stephen Decaturs life saved in a shipboard battle off Algeria. Color lithograph

Background imageSword Collection: Battle of Waterloo, 1815

Battle of Waterloo, 1815
Cavalry charge during Napoleons final battle at Waterloo, 1815. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Undersea exploration in 16th-century Europe

Undersea exploration in 16th-century Europe
Underwater diver and man-at-arms, France, 1532. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Japanese samurai warriors in full armor

Japanese samurai warriors in full armor. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Hand-colored woodcut

Hand-colored woodcut
Aztec tiger knight in a costume of cotton and a helmet made of wood, from a model in Spain. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Japanese swordsmen. Antique hand-colored print

Japanese swordsmen. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Seljuk Turks defeated at Dorylaeum, First Crusade

Seljuk Turks defeated at Dorylaeum, First Crusade
Crusaders under Godfrey of Bouillon, defeating Muslim forces of Sultan Kilij Arslan at Dorylaeum in Asia Minor, 1097. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: French military uniforms, 1795

French military uniforms, 1795
French general (left) and infantry officers, 1795. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Battle of Marathon, 490 BC

Battle of Marathon, 490 BC
Athenians repel Persian invaders at the Battle of Marathon, 490 BC. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: William the Conqueror

William the Conqueror
King of England William I, the Conqueror, carrying a sword. Hand-colored engraving of a portrait

Background imageSword Collection: Medieval battle scene

Medieval battle scene
Jonathan battling Baccide, from a French translation of Josephus History of the Jews, 1400s. Printed color lithograph reproduction of a miniature in a 15th century French manuscript

Background imageSword Collection: Norman Invasion of England, 1066

Norman Invasion of England, 1066
Taillefer rousing the French army by singing the Song of Roland at the Battle of Hastings, 1066. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Napoleon Bonaparte in uniform

Napoleon Bonaparte in uniform. Hand-colored engraving

Background imageSword Collection: Armenian girl and Syrian men

Armenian girl and Syrian men
Armenian girl, Druze man, and a man from Damascus. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: People of Lebanon

People of Lebanon
Maronite of Lebanon (left), armed Zeibek, and Christian Lebanese woman. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Man dressed in traditional Celt or Finnish attire

Man dressed in traditional Celt or Finnish attire
Turanian of Finland in traditional clothing, similar to that worn by the ancient Celts. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Civil War cavalry skirmish

Civil War cavalry skirmish
Cavalry duel during a Civil War battle. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Confederate reenactors on the Shiloh battlefield

Confederate reenactors on the Shiloh battlefield
Confederate infantry preparing to attack, a living history demonstration at Shiloh battlefield, Tennessee. Photograph

Background imageSword Collection: King Arthur receiving his magic sword from the Lady of the Lake

King Arthur receiving his magic sword from the Lady of the Lake. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Trojan War battle

Trojan War battle
Combat around the body of Patrocles, Trojan War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: English officer, musketeer

English officer, musketeer, pikeman, and archer, Elizabethan period. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Medieval knight with his page and squire

Medieval knight with his page and squire
Swiss knight in field-armor with his page and squire, 1400s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: French police officers, early 1800s

French police officers, early 1800s
Policeman (left) and other French officers uniforms, early 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Medieval knight bowing before his lord

Medieval knight bowing before his lord
Knight in armor paying homage to his lord, late 1200s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Knights of the time of the Norman Conquest, 1066

Knights of the time of the Norman Conquest, 1066
Knights in armor prepared for battle at the time of the Norman invasion of England, 1066. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Roman Emperor Constantine I (Constantine the Great), York GB

Roman Emperor Constantine I (Constantine the Great), York GB
Statue of Constantine the Great at York, England, where he was proclaimed Roman Emperor in 306 AD. In the background is the cathedral, York Minster. Digital photograph

Background imageSword Collection: Babylonian priest and king

Babylonian priest and king
High priest and king of ancient Babylon. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Woman pirate named Alwilda

Woman pirate named Alwilda
Alwilda, the female pirate. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Holy Roman Emperor Charles II

Holy Roman Emperor Charles II
Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and king of the West Franks, 800s A.D.. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: General Zachary Taylor in field headquarters during the US-Mexican War

General Zachary Taylor in field headquarters during the US-Mexican War. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century portrait

Background imageSword Collection: New uniforms for US troops at the outset of the Spanish American War

New uniforms for US troops at the outset of the Spanish American War, 1898. Printed color lithograph 19th century

Background imageSword Collection: Ottoman Turk soldiers, early 1700s

Ottoman Turk soldiers, early 1700s
Turkish soldiers, first half of the 18th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Traditionally dressed Arab men

Traditionally dressed Arab men
Arab men in traditional clothing. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Lebanese prince and a Damascus man

Lebanese prince and a Damascus man
Prince of Lebanon (left) and a Muslim man from Damascus smoking a water pipe. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Turkish sultan and officials of the Ottoman Empire

Turkish sultan and officials of the Ottoman Empire. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Syrian dervish and citizens

Syrian dervish and citizens
People of Syria, including a Druze woman and a dervish (left rear). Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: French generals, 1799-1800

French generals, 1799-1800
French generals during the early Napoleonic Wars, 1799-1800. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Toussaint Louverture, liberator of Haiti

Toussaint Louverture, liberator of Haiti. Hand-colored woodcut

Background imageSword Collection: General Juan Rius Rivera, insurgent leader in the Pinar del Rio

General Juan Rius Rivera, insurgent leader in the Pinar del Rio, Cuba, 1896. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century photograph

Background imageSword Collection: Traditional styles of Vietnamese from Tonkin

Traditional styles of Vietnamese from Tonkin
Women and soldiers from Tonkin (now Vietnam), in native dress, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Traditional Burmese uniforms and dress

Traditional Burmese uniforms and dress
Burmese officer in his traditional uniform, a government official, and a girl from Mandalay. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Gauls in the Roman Empire

Gauls in the Roman Empire
Gauls on horseback under the Roman Empire. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Europeans of the early Middle Ages

Europeans of the early Middle Ages
European family of the early Middle Ages. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Bronze Age Europeans

Bronze Age Europeans
European couple of the Bronze Age. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Teutons celebrating a victory in ancient times

Teutons celebrating a victory in ancient times
Teutonic warriors elevating their leader on a shield after a victory. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Barbarian tribesmen of the Roman Empire

Barbarian tribesmen of the Roman Empire
European tribesmen, known as barbarians to the Romans. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Ostrogoth invaders defeated at Taginae, 552 A. D

Ostrogoth invaders defeated at Taginae, 552 A. D
Byzantine general Narses overcomes the Ostrogoths in battle at Taginae, Italy, 552 A.D. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Uzbekistan men, 1800s

Uzbekistan men, 1800s
Men from Khiva, Uzbekistan, in traditional clothing. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Uzbekistan and Turkistan traditional clothing

Uzbekistan and Turkistan traditional clothing
Man of Khiva (left), the Emir of Bukhara and his guard, and a woman of Samarkand. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: High-born family in India

High-born family in India
Prince with his family and a Hindu servant woman, India, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Spanish conquistador in armor on horseback

Spanish conquistador in armor on horseback, New Spain, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Defeat of the Saracens at the Battle of Tours, 732 A. D

Defeat of the Saracens at the Battle of Tours, 732 A. D
Franks under Charles Martel attack the Saracens camp during the Battle of Tours, halting the Muslim invasion, 732 A.D. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Medieval crossbow

Medieval crossbow
Genoese archer winding up, or bending, his cross-bow. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Hand-to-hand combat, Battle of the Wilderness, Civil War

Hand-to-hand combat, Battle of the Wilderness, Civil War
Fierce fighting at the Bloody Angle, Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia, 1864. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Men of Kent marching to defend England during the Norman invasion

Men of Kent marching to defend England during the Norman invasion, 1066. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a tapestry

Background imageSword Collection: Anglo-Saxon warriors, circa 900 A. D

Anglo-Saxon warriors, circa 900 A. D
Anglo-Saxon warriors of the tenth century, British Isles. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Achilles in the Trojan Wars

Achilles in the Trojan Wars
Achilles in battle in the Trojan Wars. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a Greek vase illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Roman Emperor Constantine I (the Great) in York, GB

Roman Emperor Constantine I (the Great) in York, GB
Statue of Constantine the Great in York, England, where he was proclaimed Roman Emperor in 306 AD. In the background is the cathedral, York Minster. Digital photograph

Background imageSword Collection: Charlemagne and Queen Hildegard with their court

Charlemagne and Queen Hildegard with their court
Charlemagne, King of the Franks and his royal court during the Middle Ages. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Byzantine soldier and government official

Byzantine soldier and government official
Soldier and a government official of early Byzantium. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Christians in the Roman Catacombs

Christians in the Roman Catacombs
Christians in the Catacombs arrested by Roman soldiers. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Lion and a prisoner facing off in ancient Rome

Lion and a prisoner facing off in ancient Rome
Prisoner fighting a hungry lion in an ancient Roman arena. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Babylonian warrior

Babylonian warrior
Ancient Babylonian warrior on horseback. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration from an ancient bas-relief

Background imageSword Collection: Combat around the body of Patrocles in the Trojan War

Combat around the body of Patrocles in the Trojan War
Greeks and Trojans around the body of Patrocles, Trojan Wars. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Battle of Princeton, 1777

Battle of Princeton, 1777
Battle of Princeton, in which General Mercer met his death, American Revolution, 1777. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: War-dance of the Sultan of Zanzibars irregular troops

War-dance of the Sultan of Zanzibars irregular troops, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Colonial sailors fighting pirates aboard ship

Colonial sailors fighting pirates aboard ship
Fighting off Carolina pirates in colonial days. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: William the Conqueror in his suit of mail

William the Conqueror in his suit of mail. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Saladin, commander of Muslim forces against the Crusaders

Saladin, commander of Muslim forces against the Crusaders. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration by Gustave Dore

Background imageSword Collection: Saladin, commander of Muslim forces which defeated the Third Crusade

Saladin, commander of Muslim forces which defeated the Third Crusade. Hand-colored woodcut

Background imageSword Collection: Syrians and an Arab from Baghdad

Syrians and an Arab from Baghdad
Syrian man (left), woman of Damascus, and an Arab from Baghdad. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Invasion of eastern Europe by Attila and the Huns

Invasion of eastern Europe by Attila and the Huns, 400s AD. Hand-colored photogravure reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Franks migrating into Gaul

Franks migrating into Gaul
Franks offering an animal sacrifice before invading Gaul. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageSword Collection: Maharaja, guard, and woman from Kashmir, India

Maharaja, guard, and woman from Kashmir, India
Rajah of Kashmir, attended by a bodyguard and a woman dancer. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: University of Padua students and a farm woman bringing produce for sale

University of Padua students and a farm woman bringing produce for sale, Italy, 1580s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageSword Collection: Francisco Pizarro portrait in full armor

Francisco Pizarro portrait in full armor. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier portrait in Montanus and Ogilby

Background imageSword Collection: Vikings in the New World

Vikings in the New World
Norsemen celebrating their discovery of the New World. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

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