Bozeman Trail over the Bridger Mountains, MontanaBridger Mountains, named for Jim Bridger, along the Bozeman Pass on the Bozeman Trail, Montana. Photograph
Snow on the Sandia Mountains, New MexicoSnow on the Sandia Mountains and high plains near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Photograph
Bears Paw Mountains, MontanaSunset after rainstorm, Bears Paw Mountains, Montana. Photograph
Gumbo limbo in the Florida EvergladesGumbo limbo tree, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Great blue heron in the Florida EvergladesGreat blue heron, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Missouri River near Mandan, North DakotaMissouri River between Pierre and Mandan, North Dakota, explored by Lewis and Clark. Photograph
Colbert Creek in AlabamaColbert Creek in morning mist, Natchez Trace, northwestern Alabama. Photograph
Lolo Creek in the Bitterroot Range, MontanaLolo Creek on Lewis and Clarks trail over the Bitterroot Mountains in Montana. Photograph
Missouri River headwaters, Three Forks, MontanaMissouri River headwaters, discovered by Lewis and Clark, Three Forks, Montana. Photograph
Jamestown forest, VirginiaJamestown Island viewed from Powhatan Creek, Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia. Digital photograph
Fort Laramie, Wyoming, seen from the Oregon Trail, also the route to California and Utah. Digital photograph
Oregon Trail tracks heading west from Fort Laramie, Wyoming, also the route to California. Digital photograph
Oregon Trail in WyomingWagon ruts of the Oregon Trail near Guernsey, Wyoming. Digital photograph
Oregon Trail in western NebraskaOregon Trail, Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebraska. Digital photograph
Scotts Bluff, NebraskaCliffs of Scotts Bluff overlooking the Oregon Trail, Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebraska. Digital photograph
Chimney Rock, NebraskaChimney Rock, a landmark on the Oregon Trail, Nebraska. Digital photograph
Santa Fe Trail wagon tracks in New MexicoSanta Fe Trail ruts on the Cimarron Cutoff route, New Mexico. Photograph
Pathway of the Wilderness Road, Levi Jackson Wilderness Road State Park, Kentucky. Photograph
Field of red clay soil in AlabamaTilled field along the Natchez Trace in northwestern Alabama. Photograph
Cow pasture, AlabamaCows in morning mist along the Natchez Trace, Alabama. Photograph
Pinyon tree, Canyon de Chelly, ArizonaPinon pine on the rim of Canyon de Chelly, on the Navajo Nation Reservation, Arizona. Digital photograph
Loxahatchee River, Floridas only wild and scenic riverCormorants watching for fish from a dead tree over the wild and scenic Loxahatchee River, Florida. Digital photograph
Ferns in the Florida EvergladesTropical understory in a woodland of Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Sangre de Cristo range of the Rockies, New MexicoTruchas Peaks, over 13, 000 feet high in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Rainstorm on the high plains, New MexicoRainstorm over the arid plains of the Four Corners area, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Lightning striking the high plains, New MexicoLightning over the arid plains near the Four Corners, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Pecos Wilderness, New MexicoHigh glacial lake in the Pecos Wilderness, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Drumlin, a glacial feature on the Ice Age Trail, WisconsinDrumlin, a glacial remnant now planted with corn, southern Wisconsin. Photograph
Hay family, North DakotaHay art - a family constructed out of hay bales along a North Dakota road. Photograph
Black-crowned night heron in the Florida EvergladesYoung black-crowned night heron, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Snowy egret in the Florida EvergladesSnowy egret waiting for fish, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Baby alligator in the Florida EvergladesBaby alligator in an algae-laden pond, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Anhinga nesting in the Florida EvergladesAnhinga on a nest, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Painted turtle in the Florida EvergladesPainted turtle, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Great egret in the Florida EvergladesGreat egret ready to capture a fish, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Anhinga in the Florida EvergladesAnhinga (or snake bird) preening, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Mallards over the Wolf River, WisconsinWild ducks in morning fog flying over Post Lake on the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Photograph
Great egrets in a Wisconsin wetlandGreat egrets, Horicon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, Wisconsin. Photograph
Green heron in the Florida EvergladesGreen heron fishing from a branch, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Endangered key deer, FloridaKey deer doe, an endangered species, Big Pine Key National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. Digital photograph
Endangered key deer doe, FloridaKey deer doe, an endangered species, Big Pine Key National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. Digital photograph
Little blue heron in the Florida EvergladesLittle blue heron looking for fish, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Red-shouldered hawk, Florida EvergladesRed-shouldered hawk with a meal in Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Black vulture in the Florida EvergladesBlack vulture in Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Tobacco Root Mountains and the Jefferson River, MontanaJefferson River, named for Thomas Jefferson by Lewis and Clark. Photograph
Judith River near its junction with the Missouri River, MontanaJudith River, named by Lewis and Clark, Montana. Photograph
Marias River joining the Missouri River, MontanaMarias River junction with the Missouri River, a Lewis and Clark campsite in Montana. Photograph
Missouri River in the Missouri Breaks area, MontanaMissouri Breaks backcountry of the Missouri River, first described by Lewis and Clark, Montana. Photograph
Four Peaks Wilderness in the mountains of central ArizonaFour Peaks Wilderness, viewed from the Dutchmans Trail in the Superstition Mountains Wilderness Area, Arizona. Digital photograph
Plants of Canyon de Chelly, ArizonaNative plants on the arid rim of Canyon de Chelly, on the Navajo Nation Reservation, Arizona. Digital photograph
Chuska Mountains and Canyon de Chelly, ArizonaChuska Mountains on the New Mexico border seen from Canyon de Chelly, Navajo Nation Reservation, Arizona. Digital photograph
Erosion in western NebraskaErosion in the hills overlooking the Oregon Trail, Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebraska. Digital photograph
Road ascending Scotts Bluff, NebraskaRoad and tunnel to the top of Scotts Bluff overlooking the Oregon Trail, Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebraska. Digital photograph
North Platte River in NebraskaStormy sky over the North Platte River along the Oregon and Mormon Trails, Nebraska. Digital photograph
Covered wagons on the Oregon Trail at sunrise, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. Photograph
White-tailed deer in AlabamaWild whitetail deer running near the Natchez Trace in northwestern Alabama. Photograph
Mahogany tree in the Florida EvergladesAncient mohogany tree in Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Stream in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and MaineCold River in Evans Notch of the White Mountains, Maine and New Hampshire border area. Digital photograph
Beaver dam in MainePond created by a beaver dam in Albany Notch, part of the White Mountains National Forest in Maine. Digital photograph
Hiking trail in the Maine mountainsTrail over Albany Mountain in the White Mountains National Forest in Maine. Digital photograph
Albany Mountain fall colors, MaineAutumn color on Albany Mountain in the White Mountains National Forest in Maine. Digital photograph
Trail in the grasslands of North DakotaPrairie footpath on Lewis and Clarks route near Mandan, North Dakota. Photograph
Fall colors in New HampshireLoons on the Androscoggin River surrounded by autumn forests, New Hampshire. Digital photograph
Bisti Badlands, New MexicoStream bed in the Bisti Wilderness, an arid area near the Four Corners, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Pecos Wilderness lake, New MexicoGlacial lake in the Pecos Wilderness, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Pecos Wilderness aspen grove, New MexicoAspen forest in the Pecos Wilderness, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Pecos Wilderness trail, New MexicoTrail through aspen forest in the Pecos Wilderness, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Wisconsin River junction with the MississippiWisconsin River joining the Mississippi River, first explored by Marquette and Joliet, 1673. Photograph
Wisconsin River near its Mississippi River junctionWisconsin River, seen from bluffs near its junction with the Mississippi River, first taken by Marquette and Joliet in 1673. Photograph
Fox River near Princeton, WisconsinFox River, taken by Marquette and Joliet to reach the Mississippi, 1673. Photograph
Fox River, WisconsinFox River, taken by Marquette and Joliet to reach the Mississippi, 1673. Photograph
Missouri River where Lewis and Clark had their first meeting with the Sioux Nation, near Pierre, South Dakota, 1804. Digital photograph
Great egrets wing in the Florida EvergladesWing plumage of a great egret, Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Alligator in the Florida EvergladesAlligator, a threatened species, resting on a limestone outcropping in Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph
Tricolored heron (Louisiana heron) in the Florida EvergladesLouisiana heron, also known as the tricolored heron, fishing in Everglades National Park, Florida. Digital photograph