Mountain man in the old westOld trapper in the American West, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century Frederic Remington illustration
Native American attack on a western stagecoachWestern stagecoach fighting off Native Americans on the plains. Printed color halftone reproduction of a Frederic Remington illustration
Confederate charge up Little Round Top, held by the 20th Maine Regiment, Battle of Gettysburg, 1863. Hand-colored halftone of a 19th century illustration
Rough Rider Theodore Roosevelt portrayed as a possible Vice-Presidential nominee, 1900. Color lithograph of an illustration by W. A. Rogers
Confederate soldiers in action, Battle of ChickamaugaBraggs Confederates firing from the woods at Chickamauga, Georgia, 1863. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
British riflemen, 1880sQueens Edinburgh Rifle Volunteer Brigade at training camp, Scotland, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
People of LebanonMaronite of Lebanon (left), armed Zeibek, and Christian Lebanese woman. Antique hand-colored print
Confederate reenactors on the Shiloh battlefieldConfederate infantry preparing to attack, a living history demonstration at Shiloh battlefield, Tennessee. Photograph
Confederate soldier, Civil WarConfederate infantryman, American Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Sheriff removing criminals bootsWestern sheriff arresting law-breakers and making them remove their boots to reduce escapes. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Native American trappers carrying furs on snowshoes in a forest of the Pacific Northwest Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century Frederic Reminigton illustration
Mountain men greeting each other: " I took ye for an Injin." Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut of a Frederic Remington Illustration
Digger Indians returning from a hunt with rabbits and birds, Sierra Nevada Mountains, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Sod home of a pioneer family on the plainsPrairie homestead family preparing for winter at their sod home. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Native American huntersNative Americans shooting deer with a gun in the west, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
New uniforms for US troops at the outset of the Spanish American War, 1898. Printed color lithograph 19th century
Flintlock gunFlintlock mechanism demonstrated at Sutters Fort, Sacramento, California. Digital photograph
Uniforms of the US Army, 1813-1821US military uniforms, 1813-1821: rifleman, artillery, infantry, dragoon, general, and field officer (left - right). Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-centuy illustration
Lebanese prince and a Damascus manPrince of Lebanon (left) and a Muslim man from Damascus smoking a water pipe. Antique hand-colored print
Afghan men in the Khyber Pass, 1800sArmed Afghans prepared to defend the Khyber Pass. Antique hand-colored print
Advance guard in front of the Union Army, Civil WarUnion infantry scouts " feeling the enemy" ahead of the main force. Hand-colored woodcut of a Winslow Homer Civil War sketch
Confederates fording a river in the Civil WarConfederate troops crossing the Potomac to invade the North, US Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Hand-to-hand combat, Battle of the Wilderness, Civil WarFierce fighting at the Bloody Angle, Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia, 1864. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Confederate soldier on the marchConfederate retreat after the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Union soldier, Civil WarWeary infantryman resting by the wayside, US Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Tiger hunt in British India, 1800sBritish hunting party in India en route to a tiger netting, circa 1890. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Hunting buffalo to feed a wagon train of pioneersBuffalo hunters accompanying a wagon train, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century Frederic Remington illustration
Shooting bison for sport, 1880sWhite hunters shooting buffalo for sport on the western plains, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
British attack on Egyptian artillery at Tell el-Kebir, Egypt, 1882. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
British General Sir George Colley at Majuba Mountain, Transvaal War, 1881. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Tunisians and a Greek woman, 1800sTunisians from Monastir and a woman from Thessaly, Greece. Antique hand-colored print
Wampanoag chief Metacomet, or King Philip. Hand-colored woodcut
Pioneer Life and Frontier AdventuresBook cover, " Pioneer Life and Frontier Adventures, " by D.C. Peters, Boston, 1880s. Printed color lithograph
Woman hunting deer in the snowPioneer woman hunting deer in winter to feed her children. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century A.B. Frost illustration
US Cavalry attacking a Sioux Indian village, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Arapaho scout for the US Cavalry, 1800s. Hand-colored halftone of a 19th-century Frederic Remington illustration
Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky, with his rifle and dog. Hand-colored engraving of a painting
Kentucky viewed by Daniel BooneDaniel Boones first view of Kentucky. Digitally colored etching of a 19th-century illustration
Civil War carbine rifleConfederate cavalry carbine, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Memorial statue of a Civil War soldier on Cemetery Ridge at sunset on Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania. Digital photograph at Gettysburg National Battlefield Park Pennsylvania
Union infantry reenactors firing their rifles at Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph of a living history demonstration on the Shiloh battlefield
17th Pennsylvania Cavalry memorial, Gettysburg BattlefieldMemorial to the 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Gettysburg Battlefield. Photograph
Confederate troops on the march, American Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut
Western stagecoach wary of outlaw attackStagecoach driver and armed guard in the west. Printed color halftone reproduction of an N.C. Wyeth illustration
Battle of Beecher Island on the Arikaree Fork between Colonel Forsyths Buffalo Soldiers and southern Plains Indians led by Roman Nose, 1868. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Gunsmiths forging muskets for the Minutemen before the American Revolution, 1770s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration by Darley
Valley Forge soldier on picket duty in the snow, awaiting his relief shift, American Revolution Hand-colored halftone of a 19th-century illustration by F.C. Yohn
Boer marksmen in battle against the British in the Transvaal, 1881. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
British 92nd Highlanders skirmish with Boers in the Transvaal War, South Africa, 1881. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
British officer Sir Garnet Wolseley receiving news during the Ashanti War in Africa, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Native soldiers playing at " warry" in Ashanti Colony, Africa, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Billy Bowlegs, chief of the eastern Seminole tribe, 1850s, with his signature. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century portrait
Native Americans attacking a colonial family on the frontier. Printed color lithograph of a 19th-century illustration
A white trapper crossing a mountain stream. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut of a Frederic Remington Illustration
Native American trapper in the Rocky Mountains of the Northwest. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut of a Frederic Remington Illustration
Daniel Boone in the Kentucky wilderness. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink, first to land on the Antarctic continent, 1894. Halftone reproduction of a photograph
Davy Crockett facing grizzly bears. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Civil War cavalrymans carbineCloseup of a Confederate cavalry carbine, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Confederate charge against African-American Union soldiers at the Battle of the Crater. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Foraging Confederate soldiers taking homemade pies from a farmhouse during Morgans Raid, 1863. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Confederates driven from Elkhorn Tavern in the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, March 8, 1862, American Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Union troops engaged at Gaines Mill, during the Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 27, 1862, American Civil War. Hand-colored halftone of a 19th century illustration
Union soldiers returning fire, Battle of GettysburgFederals holding a Gettysburg farmhouse, US Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Confederate sharpshooter taking aim from his perch in a tree, American Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
French-Canadian trapper in the snow. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut of a Frederic Remington illustration
Sioux warriors charge on the sun-pole, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century Frederic Remington illustration