Navajo sand paintings preserved on tilesNavajo sand paintings on tiles displayed for sale at the intertribal Indian Ceremonial in Gallup, New Mexico. Photograph
Navajo Bosque Redondo memorial in New MexicoNavajo memorial to the Bosque Redondo (" Long Walk" ) beside the Pecos River, Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Photograph
Corn on the Navajo reservation, ArizonaNavajo cornfield, dry-farming method, near Chinle, Arizona. Photograph
Hubbell Trading Post, ArizonaHubbell Trading Post National Historic Site on the Navajo Nation Reservation, Arizona. Photograph
Spider Rock in Canyon de Chelly, home of Na ashje ii Asdzau (Spider Woman) who taught the Navajo people to weave. Digital photograph
Navajo wickiup, a summer shelter, Navajo Nation reservation, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona. Digital photograph
Flags of the Navajo Nation, Arizona, and the USA at Canyon de Chelly Visitor Center, Arizona. Digital photograph
Navajo hogan with the door facing east in the traditional way, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona. Digital photograph
Pinon nuts, an important food of Southwestern Native Americans, in a basket. Digital photograph
Navajo sheep in ArizonaSheep herd on the Navajo Nation reservation in Arizona. Photograph
Spider Rock in Canyon de Chelly, home of Na ashje ii Asdzua ( Spider Woman) who taught the Navajo people to weave. Digital photograph
Canyon de Chelly on the Navajo Nation reservation, Arizona. Digital photograph
Navajo hogan on the Navajo Nation reservation, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona. Digital photograph
Massacre Cave, where many Navajo were killed by Spanish soldiers firing from photographers location in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona. Digital photograph
Navajo family seated in front of their blanket loom, about 1900. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a photograph