French uniforms during the Napoleonic WarsFrench army uniforms: infantry 1814-1825, grenadier 1812-1815, and cavalry 1805-1812. Antique hand-colored print
Ancient Greeks holding the pass of Thermopylae, 480 BCGreeks under Leonidas holding off the Persian invasion at Thermopylae, 480 BC. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
French soldiers uniforms, 1790sFrench hussar, cavalry, and infantry uniforms, 1795-1796. Antique hand-colored print
Knights of medieval GermanyGerman knights in armor from 1300, 1315, and 1360. Antique hand-colored print
Death of Hector by Achilles during the Trojan WarGreek hero Achilles dragging Hectors body behind his chariot in the Trojan wars. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Longbowmen during the Hundred Years WarFrench archers from the town of Rheims, 1400s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration
Undersea exploration in 16th-century EuropeUnderwater diver and man-at-arms, France, 1532. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Japanese samurai warriors in full armor. Antique hand-colored print
Hand-colored woodcutAztec tiger knight in a costume of cotton and a helmet made of wood, from a model in Spain. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Medieval knight and his horseKnight armed and mounted, ready for battle. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Storyteller reciting Viking sagasViking bard singing of heroic legends to Northmen. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Germanic invasion stopped at Fiesole, 406 ADRoman general Flavius Stilicho confronts Radagaisus, Ostrogoth leader, at Fiesole. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Defeat of Athenian army at Syracuse, 413 BCDestruction of the Athenian army at Syracuse, 413 BC. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Trojan War battleCombat around the body of Patrocles, Trojan War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Helen of Troy, wife of Menelaus, taken from GreeceCapture of Helen by Paris, causing the Trojan War, according to Homer. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a vase painting
Medieval knight with his page and squireSwiss knight in field-armor with his page and squire, 1400s. Antique hand-colored print
Medieval squire helping a knight into his armorKnight being dressed in armor by his squire. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century painting
Medieval knight bowing before his lordKnight in armor paying homage to his lord, late 1200s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Knights of the time of the Norman Conquest, 1066Knights in armor prepared for battle at the time of the Norman invasion of England, 1066. Antique hand-colored print
Ottoman Turk soldiers, early 1700sTurkish soldiers, first half of the 18th century. Antique hand-colored print
Medieval armor in FranceMedieval suit of armor displayed on an ancient street of Chartres, France. Digital photograph
Traditional Burmese uniforms and dressBurmese officer in his traditional uniform, a government official, and a girl from Mandalay. Antique hand-colored print
Gauls in the Roman EmpireGauls on horseback under the Roman Empire. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Teutons celebrating a victory in ancient timesTeutonic warriors elevating their leader on a shield after a victory. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Soldiers on horseback in ancient GaulGauls on horseback in the time of the Roman Empire. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Viking kingNorse sea-king during the Viking era. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Ostrogoth invaders defeated at Taginae, 552 A. DByzantine general Narses overcomes the Ostrogoths in battle at Taginae, Italy, 552 A.D. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Spanish conquistador on a horse with foal - the origin of the horse in colonial America. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century Frederic Remington illustration
Defeat of the Saracens at the Battle of Tours, 732 A. DFranks under Charles Martel attack the Saracens camp during the Battle of Tours, halting the Muslim invasion, 732 A.D. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Medieval crossbowGenoese archer winding up, or bending, his cross-bow. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Anglo-Saxon warriors, circa 900 A. DAnglo-Saxon warriors of the tenth century, British Isles. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Achilles in the Trojan WarsAchilles in battle in the Trojan Wars. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a Greek vase illustration
Roman soldiers and a Germanic warriorRoman soldiers (left) and a Germanic warrior. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a medieval illustration
Menelaus, king of ancient SpartaBust of Menelaus, husband of Helen and king of ancient Sparta, wearing helmet. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Persians defeated at the Battle of Platae, 479 B. CGreeks repelling the Persian army under Mardonius at the Battle of Plataea, 479 BC. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Macedonian phalanx, Battle of the CartsMacedonian army using their shields in a phalanx formation, Battle of the Carts. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Ancient Greek soldiersSoldiers of ancient Greece with their weapons. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration
Greek king and soldier ready for battleGreek king and a soldier dressed for battle in ancient times. Antique hand-colored print
Byzantine soldier and government officialSoldier and a government official of early Byzantium. Antique hand-colored print
Soldiers in battle, ancient GreeceSoldiers fighting, wearing heavy and light armor, ancient Greece. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a vase painting
Byzantine Empire soldiersSoldiers of the Eastern Roman Empire with shields and spear. Antique hand-colored print
Soldier of ancient RomeSoldier of the ancient Roman Empire. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Soldiers of ancient RomeSoldiers carrying the insignia of the ancient Roman army. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Ancient Greek soldierWarrior of ancient Greece. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an ancient vase paiinting
Assyrian soldiers after a battle, holding an enemys decapitated head. Antique hand-colored print
Persian king with his bodyguardsAncient Persian king with his bodyguards - a soldier and an archer. Antique hand-colored print
Roman general and a Germanic warriorRoman general accompanied by a German warrior during the Roman Empire. Antique hand-colored print
Combat around the body of Patrocles in the Trojan WarGreeks and Trojans around the body of Patrocles, Trojan Wars. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration
British attack on Egyptian artillery at Tell el-Kebir, Egypt, 1882. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Franks migrating into GaulFranks offering an animal sacrifice before invading Gaul. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Hermann blowing his horn, calling the Cherusci to battle against the Romans in ancient Germany. Hand-colored photogravure reproduction of a 19th-century illustration by Hanfstaegl
Medieval Saxons in battleSaxons in battle in the early Middle Ages. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Celtic warrior and Roman soldier, with oak cluster and hut, from the column of Antoninus, ancient Rome. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of the carving
Roman legions battling the SarmatiansRoman soldiers in battle against the Sarmatians. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Soldier in New SwedenSwedish soldier in colonial Delaware, 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
British naval brigade using a Gatling gun to occupy Alexandria, Egypt, 1882. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration