Civil War musician playing a banjoConfederate soldier reenactor playing a banjo in camp, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Confederate camp dinner, Civil WarTired and hungry Confederate soldiers cooking supper after a hard march. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Union cavalry bugler, Civil WarBugler announcing a water call in a Union cavalry camp. Hand-colored woodcut of a Winslow Homer Civil War sketch
Union soldiers at Camp Cameron, Civil WarSoldiers of the Seventh New York Regiment around a campfire at Camp Cameron, Washington DC. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Kerosene lamp at a Confederate camp reenactment, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph of a living history demonstration at Shiloh battlefield
Kirghis encampment on the steppes near the Irtish River, Mongolia, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Cornbread cooking in a Confederate camp, reenactmentCornbread and coffee on a campfire, Confederate living history demonstration, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Reenactment of a Civil War army camp, Shiloh battlefieldCivil War camp reenactment, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Officers tent at a Confederate encampment, Shiloh battlefieldConfederate camp reenactment, Shiloh National Military Park, TN. Digital photograph
Civil War encampment reenactmentWagons in a Civil War camp reenactment, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Civil War reenactor soldiersConfederate reenactors marching from camp, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Rabbit chased for food in a Confederate campHungry Confederates chasing a rabbit running through their camp, US Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Union soldiers in camp, Civil WarSoldiers cooking over an open campfire during the Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Butchering cattle to feed the Union army, Civil WarUnion soldiers butchering cattle in camp, US Civil War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Mississippi regiment throwing the bowie knife, Civil WarConfederate soldiers practicing with the bowie knife in camp. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
General George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette in the cold at Valley Forge winter camp during the American Revolution. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration
Campfire cooking at a Confederate encampment living history demonstration, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph of a living history demonstration on the Shiloh battlefield
Reenactment of a Confederate encampment, Shiloh battlefieldConfederate camp reenactment, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Reenactors at a Confederate encampment, Shiloh battlefieldCivil War reenactor ladies visiting a Confederate camp, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Civil War reenactorsConfederate reenactors in camp, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph
Soldiers tent at a Confederate encampment, Shiloh battlefieldConfederate camp reenactment, Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee. Digital photograph