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Eastern Collection

Background imageEastern Collection: Colonial Pennsylvania map, 1750s

Colonial Pennsylvania map, 1750s
Map of the " Province of Pennsilvania, " 1756. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an 18th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Map of the United States at the close of the American Revolution

Map of the United States at the close of the American Revolution, 1783. Printed color lithograph of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Albany & Buffalo Railroad schedule, 1843

Albany & Buffalo Railroad schedule, 1843
Albany & Buffalo Railroad timetable, showing fares and routes, 1843. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century printed piece

Background imageEastern Collection: Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Oldest Dickinson College building, " Old West" Hall, designed by Benjamin Latrobe, built in 1803 to replace the original college hall, which burned. Digital photograph

Background imageEastern Collection: Abandoned baby found by police, New York City, 1890s

Abandoned baby found by police, New York City, 1890s
Policeman bringing in an abandoned infant found in an alley on a winter night, New York City, 1890s. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 19th-century photograph

Background imageEastern Collection: Baltimore in the 1870s

Baltimore in the 1870s
Harbor of Baltimore, Maryland, looking from Federal Hill, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Delaware River waterfront of Philadelphia, 1750s

Delaware River waterfront of Philadelphia, 1750s
Colonial Philadelphias skyline and harbor, 1750s. Hand-colored woodcut of an 18th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Thomas Jeffersons Rotunda at the University of Virginia

Thomas Jeffersons Rotunda at the University of Virginia
Rotunda of the University of Virginia, designed by Thomas Jefferson, Charlottesville. Digital photograph

Background imageEastern Collection: Tomochichi and his son

Tomochichi and his son
Yamacraw chief Tomo-chichi Mico and his son. Hand-colored woodcut of an illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Cherokee alphabet developed by Sequoyah

Cherokee alphabet developed by Sequoyah. Woodcut reproduction with a watercolor wash

Background imageEastern Collection: Map of the Six Iroquois Nations in Pennsylvania and New York

Map of the Six Iroquois Nations in Pennsylvania and New York, 1771. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of an 18th-century document

Background imageEastern Collection: Moving artillery in the French and Indian War

Moving artillery in the French and Indian War
Colonial artillery passing over Appalachian Mountains, French and Indian War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century Darley illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Swedish colonists on the Delaware River

Swedish colonists on the Delaware River
Swedes Church and house of Sven Sener on the Delaware River, colonial Pennsylvania. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Sleighs in the 19th century

Sleighs in the 19th century
Sleigh travel on a road in winter, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Brandywine Creek industry, Delaware, 1800s

Brandywine Creek industry, Delaware, 1800s
Old mills along Brandywine Creek, Delaware, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Boats on the Delaware River near New Castle, 1880s

Boats on the Delaware River near New Castle, 1880s
City of New Castle on the Delaware River, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Tecumseh and his brother, The Prophet

Tecumseh and his brother, The Prophet
Tecumseh pulling his brother, The Prophet, by the hair. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Little Turtle, chief of Miami tribe

Little Turtle, chief of Miami tribe. Hand-colored woodcut of a portrait

Background imageEastern Collection: Wampanoag warrior in full costume

Wampanoag warrior in full costume, Massachusetts. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Natives gathering food in Florida, 1500s

Natives gathering food in Florida, 1500s
Florida Native Americans gathering crocodiles, fish, and other wild animals and plants, 1591. Hand-colored Debry engraving of a LeMoyne painting

Background imageEastern Collection: Map of colonial New Sweden in America

Map of colonial New Sweden in America, 1638-1685. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a 17th-century map

Background imageEastern Collection: Stagecoach stop in a town along the post road

Stagecoach stop in a town along the post road
Village stagecoach stop to change horses, early 1800s. Color halftone reproduction of an S.M. Arthurs illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Colonial farmers in New Sweden, 1600s

Colonial farmers in New Sweden, 1600s
Swedish settlers harvesting wheat in Delaware, 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Colonial farm in Germantown, Pennsylvania

Colonial farm in Germantown, Pennsylvania
Shoemakers farm in Germantown, Pennsylvania, early 1700s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Colonists of New Sweden

Colonists of New Sweden
Clothing of Swedish settlers in colonial Delaware, 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Baltimore harbor, 1850s

Baltimore harbor, 1850s
City and seaport of Baltimore, Maryland, 1850s Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Maryland state capitol, Annapolis

Maryland state capitol, Annapolis
Maryland statehouse in Annapolis, at one time the U.S. capitol. Photograph

Background imageEastern Collection: Colonial Philadelphia waterfront

Colonial Philadelphia waterfront
Bridge over Front Street, at Arch Street, Philadelphia, 1700s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Philadelphias Old State House, 1700s

Philadelphias Old State House, 1700s
Old State House, later called Independence Hall, Philadelphia, 1700s. Hand-colored engraving

Background imageEastern Collection: Downtown Philadelphia, about 1800

Downtown Philadelphia, about 1800
Philadelphia, looking up Second Street from Market Street, circa 1800. Hand-colored woodcut of an illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Center of Philadelphia, 1850s

Center of Philadelphia, 1850s
The Exchange, omnibus depot, and part of Dock Street, Philadelphia, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Colonial shipyard

Colonial shipyard
Ship-building in colonial North America. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Clipper ship Flying Cloud launched in Boston

Clipper ship Flying Cloud launched in Boston
Launch of shipbuilder Donald McKays clipper ship " Flying Cloud" in Boston, 1851. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Ship-building in New England, 1800s

Ship-building in New England, 1800s
Busy New England shipyard in the 19th century. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Travel by railroad and canal, 1837

Travel by railroad and canal, 1837
Advertisement for rail and canal travel from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Louisville, 1837. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Osceola, Seminole leader

Osceola, Seminole leader
Osceola, chief of the Seminoles, early 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Pontiac

Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa nation. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Lenape wampum in honor of Penns treaty

Lenape wampum in honor of Penns treaty
Wampum received by William Penn in commemeration of his treaty with Native Americans in Pennsylvania. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of the artifact

Background imageEastern Collection: Homeless boys sleeping in an alley, 1890s

Homeless boys sleeping in an alley, 1890s
Homeless street boys sleeping in an alley in New York City, 1890s. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 19th-century photograph

Background imageEastern Collection: Irish immigrant shantytown in New York City

Irish immigrant shantytown in New York City
Irish immigrant family on a summer evening in the shantytown at the Five Points, New York City, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Delaware settled by colonists from Sweden, 1600s

Delaware settled by colonists from Sweden, 1600s
Swedish settlers landing at Paradise Point, Delaware, 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: National Road wagons and stagecoach traffic

National Road wagons and stagecoach traffic
Mail coach and slower wagons on the National Road, early 1800s. Printed color halftone reproduction of an Arthurs illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: William Penn arriving at Philadelphia, 1682

William Penn arriving at Philadelphia, 1682
Landing of William Penn in colonial Pennsylvania, 1682. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Title page, Constitution of the Cherokee Nation

Title page, Constitution of the Cherokee Nation, 1827, New Echota, Georgia. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of the document

Background imageEastern Collection: Native American longhouses on Manhattan Island before the arrival of Dutch

Native American longhouses on Manhattan Island before the arrival of Dutch settlers. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Native American shaman

Native American shaman leading a ceremonial dance. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: War dance

War dance
Native American war dance near the St. Lawrence River during the French and Indian War. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Elevated corn crib in Chucalissa Village

Elevated corn crib in Chucalissa Village, a 1500s Mississippean site reconstructed by the University of Memphis, Tennessee. Digital photograph

Background imageEastern Collection: Mohawk village in central New York State

Mohawk village in central New York State, about 1780. Hand-colored woodcut

Background imageEastern Collection: Shaman of Native Americans of colonial Virginia

Shaman of Native Americans of colonial Virginia
Medicine-man on the coast of Virginia/North Carolina, observed by Raleighs Colony, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of 16th-century John White drawing

Background imageEastern Collection: Great mortality amoung the Wampanoags due to smallpox

Great mortality amoung the Wampanoags due to smallpox, colonial Massachusetts, 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut

Background imageEastern Collection: Iroquois woman, late 1800s

Iroquois woman, late 1800s
Iroquois woman packing goods on her back, 1890s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Native Americans practice running

Native Americans practice running, shooting arrows, and throwing ball, Florida, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a DeBrfy engraving of a LeMoyne illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Hiawatha aiming his arrow at a sea-dragon

Hiawatha aiming his arrow at a sea-dragon. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Hiawatha encircled by shamans in a ceremonial dance

Hiawatha encircled by shamans in a ceremonial dance, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century woodcut

Background imageEastern Collection: President-Elect Andrew Jackson making a speech at a stage stop on his way to

President-Elect Andrew Jackson making a speech at a stage stop on his way to Washington, 1828. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century Howard Pyle illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Iroquois Nations map, 1600s

Iroquois Nations map, 1600s
French map of the Five Iroquois Nations homeland and Fort Orange (Albany), 1660s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 17th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Swedish settlement at Fort Christina, Delaware

Swedish settlement at Fort Christina, Delaware
Fort Christina under siege by the Dutch in 1655 (now Wilmington, Delaware). Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a contemporary illustration by Campanius

Background imageEastern Collection: Pennsylvania colonys seal

Pennsylvania colonys seal
Seal of William Penns colony of " Pennsilvania." Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of the artifact

Background imageEastern Collection: Dutch map of New Netherland and New England

Dutch map of New Netherland and New England
New Netherland and New England, circa 1630. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of DeLaets map

Background imageEastern Collection: French map of the Great Lakes, 1703

French map of the Great Lakes, 1703
La Hontans map of the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence valley, 1703. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an 18th century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Dutch map of eastern North America, 1670

Dutch map of eastern North America, 1670
Nova Belgh Tabula, map of New Netherland and New England, 1670. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction

Background imageEastern Collection: Native American man and woman eating from a basket

Native American man and woman eating from a basket, Raleighs Colony, 1585. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a John White illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Pittsburgh from the Ohio River, 1880s

Pittsburgh from the Ohio River, 1880s
Steel mills darken the sky over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Native Americans friendship with William Penn

Native Americans friendship with William Penn
William Pennss treaty with Native Americans in Pennsylvania, 1680s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Penns treaty with Native Americans in Pennsylvania

Penns treaty with Native Americans in Pennsylvania
Native Americans concluding an agreement with William Penn, 1680s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Walking Purchase land claim in colonial Pennsylvania

Walking Purchase land claim in colonial Pennsylvania
William Penns Walking Purchase agreement with Native Americans for as much land as a man could walk in 3 days. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Toll-gate on the National Road

Toll-gate on the National Road
Westbound wagons at a National Pike toll-gate, mid 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Samoset visiting Pilgrim colonists at Plymouth

Samoset visiting Pilgrim colonists at Plymouth, 1620s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Pocahontas marriage to John Rolfe in Jamestown

Pocahontas marriage to John Rolfe in Jamestown, Virginia, 1614. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Northwest Territory map

Northwest Territory map
Map of the old Northwest Territory, 1787. Printed color lithograph of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Map showing land claims of the 13 original states in 1783

Map showing land claims of the 13 original states in 1783. Printed color lithograph of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Philadelphia commercial district, 1850s

Philadelphia commercial district, 1850s
Ledger Building and Jaynes Building on Third Street, Philadelphia, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Philadelphia Fish Market, 1850s

Philadelphia Fish Market, 1850s
Fish market on the Delaware River in Philadelphia, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Riverboats approaching Pittsburgh, 1850s

Riverboats approaching Pittsburgh, 1850s
City of Pittsburgh, viewed from the Ohio River, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Clipper ship loading supplies for the California gold fields

Clipper ship loading supplies for the California gold fields
Clipper ship R.B. Forbes in Boston, taking on cargo for California, 1851. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Plan for a subway station in Boston, 1890s

Plan for a subway station in Boston, 1890s
View of a proposed subway station in Boston, Massachusetts, 1892. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Old Whaling ship hove down for repairs

Old Whaling ship hove down for repairs, New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Citizen addressing ' Old Hickory' during Andrew Jacksons Presidential

Citizen addressing " Old Hickory" during Andrew Jacksons Presidential campaign, 1820s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Aztalan, a Moundbuilders site in Wisconsin

Aztalan, a Moundbuilders site in Wisconsin
Mound and part of village stockade at Aztalan, a middle Mississippean Moundbuilders site in Wisconsin. Photograph

Background imageEastern Collection: President Arthur fishing on a remote lake

President Arthur fishing on a remote lake
President Chester A. Arthur on a fishing trip, 1884. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background imageEastern Collection: Mound and part of village stockade at Aztalan

Mound and part of village stockade at Aztalan, a middle Mississippean Moundbuilder site in Wisconsin. Photograph

Background imageEastern Collection: Chief Black Hawk

Chief Black Hawk. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century portrait by Charles B. King

Background imageEastern Collection: Pocahontas, Indian wife of John Rolfe

Pocahontas, Indian wife of John Rolfe, with their son. Hand-colored 19th-century halftone reproduction of a painting

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