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Dress Collection

Background imageDress Collection: Ladies in Florence during the Renaissance

Ladies in Florence during the Renaissance
Noble ladies of Florence during the early 1400s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Women of Tudor England

Women of Tudor England
City women and a country-woman in Elizabethan England, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Backyard carnival, 1800s

Backyard carnival, 1800s
Children putting on a circus in the backyarrd, 1800s. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Russian boyars, 17th century

Russian boyars, 17th century
Russian boyars, or nobles, during the time of Peter the Great, 1600s-1700s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Burmese womens native attire

Burmese womens native attire
Women of Burma (now Brunei) in traditional dress, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Roman Catholic bishop, 1500s - 1600s

Roman Catholic bishop, 1500s - 1600s
Roman Catholic bishop in a choir-robe (left) and a bishop in his vestments for Mass, 1500-1600s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Women of ancient Greece

Women of ancient Greece
Ancient Greek women and a priestess (background). Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Lighting the gas lamps for a dinner party, 1800s

Lighting the gas lamps for a dinner party, 1800s
Guests awaiting the return of gas-light during a Christmas dinner-party, New York City, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Tennis court romance, 1890s or early 1900s

Tennis court romance, 1890s or early 1900s
Tennis player distracted by a flirtatious, fashionable woman, circa 1900. Printed color halftone reproduction of an illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Young couple hiking on Mt Desert Island, Maine

Young couple hiking on Mt Desert Island, Maine
Tourists climbing Newport Mountain, Mt Desert Island, Maine, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Dutch skaters on the Zuider Zee, 1800s

Dutch skaters on the Zuider Zee, 1800s
Skaters enjoying a winter Sunday on the Zuider Zee, Dutch island of Marken, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: King of England Henry VIII with his fourth wife

King of England Henry VIII with his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Sarah Childress Polk, wife of President Polk

Sarah Childress Polk, wife of President Polk
First Lady Sarah Childress Polk, wife of President James K. Polk. Digitally colored photogravure of a painting

Background imageDress Collection: Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams

Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams
Portrait of First Lady Louisa Catherine Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, early 1800s. Digitally colored engraving

Background imageDress Collection: Dancing the minuet, 1700s

Dancing the minuet, 1700s
Couples dancing the minuet in an 18th-century ballroom. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Armenian girl and Syrian men

Armenian girl and Syrian men
Armenian girl, Druze man, and a man from Damascus. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: People of Lebanon

People of Lebanon
Maronite of Lebanon (left), armed Zeibek, and Christian Lebanese woman. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Confederate soldier romancing a young woman, 1800s

Confederate soldier romancing a young woman, 1800s
Confederate soldier declaring his love for a young woman, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Siberian Tartar woman and a Russian Mongol couple

Siberian Tartar woman and a Russian Mongol couple
Siberian Tartar (left) and Kalmyk Mongol couple (right) of Russia in their traditional clothing Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Victorian era picnic

Victorian era picnic
Families having a summer picnic, England, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Italian fashion in the 1580s

Italian fashion in the 1580s
Clothing of Italian ladies from Venice, Milan, and Florence, 1580s. Antique hand-colored woodcut

Background imageDress Collection: Russian women and a Finn

Russian women and a Finn
Russian women from the Ryazan region (left) and St Petersburg (right), and a Finnish woman (seated). Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Chinese man and a Malaysian woman

Chinese man and a Malaysian woman
Chinese businessman and a Malaysian woman in traditional attire, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Tea-time, England, 1880s

Tea-time, England, 1880s
Upperclass family enjoying afternoon tea in a hothouse, England, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Medes of ancient times

Medes of ancient times
Nobles of ancient Media, part of the Assyrian and Persian empires. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Roman ladies and a slave girl

Roman ladies and a slave girl
Roman ladies and their slave girl. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Japanese women musicians

Japanese women musicians
Japanese women playing music and drums, wearing traditional clothing. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Japanese poet under a cherry tree

Japanese poet under a cherry tree
Japanese mother and infant meeting a poet under a cherry tree. Lithograph reproduction of a painting by Genjiro Kataoka, circa 1910

Background imageDress Collection: Roman Catholic Pope, 1500s - 1600s

Roman Catholic Pope, 1500s - 1600s
Roman Catholic Pope in formal attire (center) and in house vestments (right), Swiss Guard at left, 1500s-1600s Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Medieval monk, archbishop and priest

Medieval monk, archbishop and priest
Monk, archbishop, and priest of the 11th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Citizens of the Ottoman Empire, 1800s

Citizens of the Ottoman Empire, 1800s
Couple from the Ottoman Empire, man from Adrianople, and a veiled woman of Salonika. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Renaissance fashion in Germany, 15th century

Renaissance fashion in Germany, 15th century
German fashion of the Renaissance, about 1499. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: French nobility of the 1500s

French nobility of the 1500s
French court fashion of the 16th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Spanish nobility of the 1500s

Spanish nobility of the 1500s
Spanish lord and lady of the 16th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Womens dress fashions, 1880s

Womens dress fashions, 1880s
Godeys ladies fashions, 1880s. 19th-century printed color lithograph

Background imageDress Collection: Jewish women in ancient Israel

Jewish women in ancient Israel. Antique hand-colored woodcut

Background imageDress Collection: Colonists of New Sweden

Colonists of New Sweden
Clothing of Swedish settlers in colonial Delaware, 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Francis II and Elizabeth of Valois

Francis II and Elizabeth of Valois
Francis II as King of France (left), as Dauphin (right); and his sister, Elizabeth de Valois, wife of Spanish King Phillip II (Felipe II). Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Iroquois woman, late 1800s

Iroquois woman, late 1800s
Iroquois woman packing goods on her back, 1890s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Colonial Virginians at a plantation ball

Colonial Virginians at a plantation ball
Guests dancing the Virginia reel at a Westover Plantation ball, 1700s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Dancing couple, early 1800s

Dancing couple, early 1800s
Couple doing a quaint little dance before an admiring crowd, early 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Dancing the cotillion

Dancing the cotillion
The cotillion, a formal dance circa 1900. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a painting by Henri Tenre

Background imageDress Collection: A ball in Tuxedo, New York, circa 1900

A ball in Tuxedo, New York, circa 1900
Formal dance in the ballroom at Tuxedo, New York, 1890s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Philadelphia ball, 1800s

Philadelphia ball, 1800s
Ball in the Assembly Building, Philadelphia, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Ottoman Turks from the upper class, 1700s

Ottoman Turks from the upper class, 1700s
Turkish woman in public (left), sultan and his wife (center), and a dancer, 1700s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Ottoman Turk soldiers, early 1700s

Ottoman Turk soldiers, early 1700s
Turkish soldiers, first half of the 18th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Final touches to the brides wedding gown, 1850s

Final touches to the brides wedding gown, 1850s
Mother helping her daughter put on her wedding gown, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Couple during the French Revolution

Couple during the French Revolution
Jacobin couple in revolutionary Paris, 1794. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Lebanese prince and a Damascus man

Lebanese prince and a Damascus man
Prince of Lebanon (left) and a Muslim man from Damascus smoking a water pipe. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Syrian dervish and citizens

Syrian dervish and citizens
People of Syria, including a Druze woman and a dervish (left rear). Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Syrian women

Syrian women
Women of Syria, with a fellah (peasant) woman at right. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Kurdish and Greek women

Kurdish and Greek women
Kurdish woman (left), and women from Preveza and Chios. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Paris boulevard in the late 19th century

Paris boulevard in the late 19th century
French woman strolling on the Boulevard des Italiens, Paris, 1890s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Seamstress, 1800s

Seamstress, 1800s
Woman sewing to earn money at home, 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Nursery in a well-to-do home, early 1900s

Nursery in a well-to-do home, early 1900s
Bathtime in the nursery, an illustration from an Ivory Soap ad, 1903. Printed color lithograph of Alice Stephens painting

Background imageDress Collection: Upperclass social life, circa 1900

Upperclass social life, circa 1900
Reception to introduce a young man to society, circa 1900. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of an illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Courtship in a woodland setting, 1800s

Courtship in a woodland setting, 1800s
Young man and woman on a walk in the countryside, late 1800s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Rural courtship, early 1900s

Rural courtship, early 1900s
Young couple seated by a brook, early 1900s. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of an illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Passionate embrace in the 19th century

Passionate embrace in the 19th century
Man holding a young woman in his arms, 1880s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Colonial ballroom, 1700s

Colonial ballroom, 1700s
Social event in a ballroom in the 18th century. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Japanese ladies in traditional clothing

Japanese ladies in traditional clothing
Japanese girls and a woman with her baby, wearing traditional dress, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Tartars of Russia

Tartars of Russia
Russian Tartars in their native attire Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Dutch couple of the 17th century

Dutch couple of the 17th century
Well-to-do Dutch couple, 1600s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Young Crow Indian girl

Young Crow Indian girl
Crow Indian girl Glydis Littlenest, or Rides-a-Sorrel-Horse, circa 1900. Digitally colored halftone reproduction of a photograph

Background imageDress Collection: Medieval German couple and a knight

Medieval German couple and a knight
German middle-class couple and a knight, early 1400s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: German couple of the 1500s

German couple of the 1500s
German citizens of the late 16th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: American fashion of the 1860s

American fashion of the 1860s
Woman in a promenade dress and shawl, US, 1860s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Couple in the 17th century

Couple in the 17th century
Fashionable couple of the 1600s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: European couple dressed in the Empire style

European couple dressed in the Empire style
Fashion of a German couple about 1800. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: French couple at the royal court, early 18th century

French couple at the royal court, early 18th century
Gentleman and lady of Louis XIVs court, France, early 1700s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: European ladies of the 1790s

European ladies of the 1790s
Fashionable young European ladies of the late 18th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Fashion in France, 1780s

Fashion in France, 1780s
French clothing and hair fashion of the late 18th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Clothing fashion in France about 1780

Clothing fashion in France about 1780
Fashionable French couple, 1780. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Womens dress fashions, 1861

Womens dress fashions, 1861
Godeys fashions for ladies and girls, 1861. 19th-century printed color lithograph

Background imageDress Collection: Courtship in medieval Burgundy

Courtship in medieval Burgundy
Noble woman of Burgundy courted in the 1400s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Womens dress styles, 1890s

Womens dress styles, 1890s
Godeys Ladies Book fashions, 1890s. Printed color lithograph reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageDress Collection: Natives of Malaysia and the Celebes

Natives of Malaysia and the Celebes
Malaysians from Sumatra and on the far right, a man from Celebes, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: People of India in traditional attire

People of India in traditional attire
Parsi woman of Bombay, and a man and woman from east India or Singapore in native dress, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Traditional styles of Vietnamese from Tonkin

Traditional styles of Vietnamese from Tonkin
Women and soldiers from Tonkin (now Vietnam), in native dress, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Balkan people, 1800s

Balkan people, 1800s
People from the Balkan states, a Bulgarian man at right. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Traditional Burmese uniforms and dress

Traditional Burmese uniforms and dress
Burmese officer in his traditional uniform, a government official, and a girl from Mandalay. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Burmese family of the Karenni

Burmese family of the Karenni
Karenni women and children of the Burmese mountains, 1800s. Antique hand-colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Sri Lanka upper class people, 1800s

Sri Lanka upper class people, 1800s
Well-to-do people of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 1800s. Antique hand colored print

Background imageDress Collection: Europeans of the early Middle Ages

Europeans of the early Middle Ages
European family of the early Middle Ages. Antique hand-colored print

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