Casa Grande, Hohokam ruins, ArizonaDoorway of Casa Grande, the remains of an ancient Hohokam farming village in central Arizona. Digital photograh
Inca dwelling replica at Ingapirca, EcuadorReconstructed Inca dwelling amid the ruins at Ingapirca in the Andes Mountains, Ecuador. Digital photograph
Ancient Greek city homeEntrance to a home in ancient Greece. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century woodcut
Navajo hogan with the door facing east in the traditional way, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona. Digital photograph
Pueblo Bonito doorways, Chaco Canyon NMDoorways inside Pueblo Bonito, an Anasazi/Ancestral Puebloan site in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Doorways leading to Inca Temple of the Sun at Ingapirca in the Andes Mountains, Ecuador. Digital photograph
Trapezoidal doorway leading to Inca Temple of the Sun at Ingapirca in the Andes Mountains, Ecuador. Digital photograph
Doorway of Casa Grande, the remains of an ancient Hohokam farming village in central Arizona. Digital photograph
Doorway of Spanish mission at Pecos Pueblo, seat of the 17th-century Pueblo Revolt, New Mexico. Digital Photograph
Doorway of Spanish mission at Pecos Pueblo, seat of the 17th-century Pueblo Revolt, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Pueblo Bonito doorway, Chaco Canyon NMDoorway inside Pueblo Bonito, an Anasazi/Ancestral Puebloan site in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Digital photograph
Kiva entrance ladder and keyhole doorways at Spruce House, Mesa Verde National Park, Anasazi/Ancestral Puebloan ruins, Colorado. Digital photograph
Woman entering a rural home, 1800sWoman in sunbonnet in a cabin doorway. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration
Door of the old cathedral in the Spanish colonial city of Cuenca, Ecuador. Digital photograph
Door of the new cathedral in the Spanish colonial city of Cuenca, Ecuador. Digital photograph
Ruins of Inca Temple of the Sun at Ingapirca in the Andes Mountains, Ecuador. Digital photograph