Theodora, Empress of the Eastern Roman Empire, and her court. Printed 19th-century halftone reproduction of a mosaic at Ravenna
Justinian, Byzantine emperorByzantine emperor and his attendant. Antique hand-colored print
Crusaders entering ConstantinopleDefeat of Muslim defenders of Constantinople during the Crusades. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Basil II, or Bulgaroctonus, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. Lithograph reproduction of a miniature from a medieval manuscript
Emperor Justinian, shown with Theodora, Empress of the Eastern Roman Empire, 500s A.D. Antique hand-colored print
Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian and his council, 6th century A.D. Photogravure reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Empress and a Byzantine princessEmpress and princess with a servant girl, Byzantine Empire. Antique hand-colored print
Byzantine Empress Theodoras courtLadies of Empress Theodoras court, Eastern Roman Empire, 500 A.D. Antique hand-colored print