Cowboys guarding the herd at night during a Texas to Kansas cattle drive 1800s Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Cattle loaded on the railroad at Abilene, Kansas, 1870sLoading Texas cattle on the Union Pacific Railway at Abilene, Kansas, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Longhorn cattle in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Digital photograph
Cowboy and his horse caught in a cattle stampede, 1800s. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century Frederic Remington illustration
Cowboy watching over a cattle herd at night. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut of a Frederic Remington illustration
Cowboys cutting out cattle to drive a herd from Texas to Kansas, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration