Senator Preston Brooks assaulting Senator Charles Sumner during an antislavery debate, 1856. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Celebrating the end of slavery in Washington DC, 1866Celebration of the abolition of slavery in Washington DC, 1866. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Frederick Douglass portrait. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Passage of the 13th Amendment ending slavery, 1865Celebration of the enactment of the 13th Amendment in the House of Representatives, ending slavery, 1865. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Compromise of 1850 debate in the US SenateHenry Clay arguing in the US Senate for the Compromise of 1850 to avert civil war. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century painting
Underground Railroad account by William StillTitle page of William Stills record of the Underground Railroad, published in 1872. Woodcut with a watercolor wash
Wendell Phillips urging abolition of slaveryWendell Phillips speaking against slavery on Boston Common, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
US after the Missouri Compromise, 1820Slave and free territories in the United States after the Missouri Compromise Act, 1820. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Capture of Nat Turner, leader of slave revolt in 1831. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Runaways captured in Boston under the Fugitive Slave ActRunaway slaves Burns and Sims captured in Boston and returned to South Carolina under the Fugitive Slave Act, 1850s. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Angry US Congressmen debate secession, 1860Impassioned debate in the House of Representatives, December 1860 to January 1861. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Map of slave and free areas of the United States in 1854, at the time of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. Printed color lithograph 19th century
Woman urging a slave to escapePlantation school teacher urging a slave to escape to freedom, 1850s. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
" The Liberator" : masthead of William Lloyd Garrisons abolitionist newspaper, 1850s. Hand-colored woodcut
Susan B. Anthony. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
John BrownAbolitionist John Brown, with his autograph. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century portrait
Antislavery documents burned in South Carolina, 1830sPro-slavery bonfire of abolitionist literature in Charleston, South Carolina, 1830s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
William Lloyd Garrison, with his autograph. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century portrait
Dred Scott in 1857, who lost Supreme Court case and was returned to slavery after residing in a free state. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Frederick Douglass as a young man, with his autograph. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century portrait
Masthead of " The Liberator, " 1831, Garrisons abolitionist newspaper. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction
Lucy Stone statue, Boston Womens Memorial. Digital photograph
Sarah Moore Grimke, with her signature. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
Angelina Grimke, with autograph. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
PSCO2A-00023John Brown stops to greet a black child on his way to execution, 1859. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
John Brown between his dying sons in the battle at Harpers Ferry, 1859. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration
Quaker abolitionist Levi Coffin, with his signature. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 19th-century illustration
John Brown, with autograph reading " Farewell God bless you/Your Friend/John Brown." Engraved reproduction of a photograph
John Brown photographPhotograph of John Brown, signed. Photograph
Abolitionist Elijah P. Lovejoy denouncing slave owners before the US Congress, 1830s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration