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16th Century Collection

Background image16th Century Collection: Inca king Huayna Capac

Inca king Huayna Capac
Huayna Capac, Inca ruler in the early 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a 16th century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: GGBR2A-00076

Map of Scotland in the 1520s, showing territories of the Highland Clans. Printed color lithograph of a 19th century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Medieval goldsmith at work

Medieval goldsmith at work
Workshop of Etienne Delaulne, a goldsmith in Paris, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 16th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: John Calvin

John Calvin portrait. Hand-colored engraving

Background image16th Century Collection: Nottingham Castle in the 1500s

Nottingham Castle in the 1500s
Nottingham Castle overlooking the surrounding countryside in the 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Tower of London in the late Middle Ages

Tower of London in the late Middle Ages
London during the time of Henry VII (1457-1509). Color lithograph reproduction of an illuminated manuscript: Roy 16F, ii

Background image16th Century Collection: Actors on stage in the days of Shakespeare

Actors on stage in the days of Shakespeare
Theatrical performance in the days of Shakespeare. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Shrewsbury, England, in the 1500s

Shrewsbury, England, in the 1500s
High Street, Shrewsbury, in Tudor England. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Spanish galleon at sea

Spanish galleon at sea
Spanish galleon, an improved caravel three times longer than wide, used in the 1500s and 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Use of an arquebusse, 16th century

Use of an arquebusse, 16th century
Spanish arquebusier, 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Women of Tudor England

Women of Tudor England
City women and a country-woman in Elizabethan England, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Undersea exploration in 16th-century Europe

Undersea exploration in 16th-century Europe
Underwater diver and man-at-arms, France, 1532. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Martin Luther

Martin Luther portrait. Hand-colored engraving reproduction of a portrait by Holbein

Background image16th Century Collection: William Tyndale

William Tyndale, English translator of the New Testament. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: John Calvin and the four syndics at Geneva

John Calvin and the four syndics at Geneva
John Calvin and the four syndics founding the seminary which became the College of Geneva, 1559. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: NATL2A-00001

Temple ceremony in an Aztec city. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Hand-colored woodcut

Hand-colored woodcut
Aztec tiger knight in a costume of cotton and a helmet made of wood, from a model in Spain. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Trephination evidence in an Inca skull

Trephination evidence in an Inca skull
Inca skull showing evidence of prehistoric trephining or brain surgery in Peru. Woodcut with a watercolor wash

Background image16th Century Collection: Bakers at their trade in the late Middle Ages

Bakers at their trade in the late Middle Ages
Bakers of York, showing their guild ordinances, England, 1590s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Spanish Armada, 1588

Spanish Armada, 1588
Defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy, 1588. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Carrack, a merchant ship of the late 1400s

Carrack, a merchant ship of the late 1400s
Armed Genoese carrack, a merchant ship of the 1400s and 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Italian cooks preparing a meal, 1500s

Italian cooks preparing a meal, 1500s
Cooks preparing food in an Italian kitchen, 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: EVNT2A-00047

Retreat of the Spanish Armada from England in stormy seas, 1588. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Ignatius of Loyola casting out evil spirits. Printed color halftone reproduction of a painting by Rubens

Background image16th Century Collection: Martin Luther

Martin Luther portrait. Hand-colored engraving reproduction of a portrait by Holbein

Background image16th Century Collection: Elizabeth I of England

Elizabeth I of England
Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. Hand-colored photogravure of the engraving by Hendrik de Hondt the Younger

Background image16th Century Collection: Emperor Charles V

Emperor Charles V
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V - also Charles I of Spain. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: PROY2A-00161

King of England Henry VIII with his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves. Antique hand-colored print

Background image16th Century Collection: Natives gathering food in Florida, 1500s

Natives gathering food in Florida, 1500s
Florida Native Americans gathering crocodiles, fish, and other wild animals and plants, 1591. Hand-colored Debry engraving of a LeMoyne painting

Background image16th Century Collection: NATL2A-00002

Street in Aztec Tenochtitian (reconstruction). Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Italian fashion in the 1580s

Italian fashion in the 1580s
Clothing of Italian ladies from Venice, Milan, and Florence, 1580s. Antique hand-colored woodcut

Background image16th Century Collection: Peasant paying rent in the late Middle Ages

Peasant paying rent in the late Middle Ages
Tenant paying rent, from a book of surveying printed in England, 1523. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Vasco da Gamas route around Africa, 1400s

Vasco da Gamas route around Africa, 1400s
Africa as known after Vasco da Gamas discoveries, from map of Juan de la Cosa, 1500. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction

Background image16th Century Collection: PROY2A-00004

Henry VIII presenting a charter to the Company of Barber Surgeons. Color lithograph reproduction of a painting by Holbein

Background image16th Century Collection: Marguerite de Navarres coat of arms

Marguerite de Navarres coat of arms
Coat of arms and emblem of Marguerite de Navarre, 16th century queen of France. Color lithograph reproduction

Background image16th Century Collection: Florida explored by De Soto, 1539

Florida explored by De Soto, 1539
Bivouac of De Sotos expedition in the Florida wilderness, 1539. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Garden irrigation in the 1500s

Garden irrigation in the 1500s
Garden water pumped through beds via intersecting channels, formal bed design of 1571. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: GGBR2A-00018

Couples dancing in Tudor England, 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a painting by Holbein and Janet

Background image16th Century Collection: GGBR2A-00028

English officer, musketeer, pikeman, and archer, Elizabethan period. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Ireland in the 16th century

Ireland in the 16th century
Map of Ireland before the English invasion, circa 1580. Color lithograph reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: PREL2A-00060

Saint Teresa of Avila, founder of the Carmelite Reform convent, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a portrait

Background image16th Century Collection: PREL2A-00003

Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Hand-colored engraving

Background image16th Century Collection: Roman Catholic Pope, 1500s - 1600s

Roman Catholic Pope, 1500s - 1600s
Roman Catholic Pope in formal attire (center) and in house vestments (right), Swiss Guard at left, 1500s-1600s Antique hand-colored print

Background image16th Century Collection: Roman Catholic bishop, 1500s - 1600s

Roman Catholic bishop, 1500s - 1600s
Roman Catholic bishop in a choir-robe (left) and a bishop in his vestments for Mass, 1500-1600s. Antique hand-colored print

Background image16th Century Collection: Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci
Portrait of artist Leonardo da Vinci. Digitally colored 19th-century photograph of a portrait

Background image16th Century Collection: French nobility of the 1500s

French nobility of the 1500s
French court fashion of the 16th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background image16th Century Collection: Spanish nobility of the 1500s

Spanish nobility of the 1500s
Spanish lord and lady of the 16th century. Antique hand-colored print

Background image16th Century Collection: Map of DeSotos route, 1540s

Map of DeSotos route, 1540s
De Soto expeditions route across southeast North America, 1539-1542. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Country life in medieval Europe

Country life in medieval Europe
Country life in France in the late Middle Ages. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a 1517 edition of Virgil published in Lyons

Background image16th Century Collection: Spanish colonial days in St. Augustine, Florida

Spanish colonial days in St. Augustine, Florida
Life in Saint Augustine, Florida, when part of New Spain. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: French colonists building a ship, South Carolina, 1560s

French colonists building a ship, South Carolina, 1560s
Shipbuilding at Archers Creek, South Carolina, by French colonists left behind by Ribault, 1562. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Medieval astronomers studying the sky

Medieval astronomers studying the sky
Astronomers studying the planetary systems, the sun, moon, and stars. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a 1537 edition of Boethius

Background image16th Century Collection: Ulrich Zwingli

Ulrich Zwingli
Swiss religious reformer Ulrich Zwingli. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a portrait

Background image16th Century Collection: Martin Luther writing

Martin Luther writing
Martin Luther at his desk. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Luther at the Diet of Worms, 1521

Luther at the Diet of Worms, 1521
Martin Luther on trial before Cardinal Cajetanus, Diet of Worms, 1521. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Edward VI of England

Edward VI of England
King of England Edward VI confirming his fathers gift of Christs Hospital to the city of London. Lithograph reproduction of a 16th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: PROY2A-00046

Queen Elizabeth hawking. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction from " Booke of Faulconrie, " 1575

Background image16th Century Collection: Lady Jane Grey reading Plato

Lady Jane Grey reading Plato
Roger Ascham calling on Lady Jane Grey at Bradgate, 1550. Hand-colored engraving of an illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Francis II and Elizabeth of Valois

Francis II and Elizabeth of Valois
Francis II as King of France (left), as Dauphin (right); and his sister, Elizabeth de Valois, wife of Spanish King Phillip II (Felipe II). Antique hand-colored print

Background image16th Century Collection: Roanoke Colony settlers arrive, 1587

Roanoke Colony settlers arrive, 1587
English colonists landing on Roanoke Island, 1587. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Native American ceremony in early New England

Native American ceremony in early New England
New England Native Americans throwing valuables into a bonfire. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: NATI2A-00031

Native Americans practice running, shooting arrows, and throwing ball, Florida, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a DeBrfy engraving of a LeMoyne illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: PNAT2A-00017

Hiawatha aiming his arrow at a sea-dragon. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: PNAT2A-00037

Hiawatha encircled by shamans in a ceremonial dance, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century woodcut

Background image16th Century Collection: Fire ceremony among southeastern Native Americans

Fire ceremony among southeastern Native Americans
Ceremony of Native Americans in the southeast involving a fire ritual, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Leonardo da Vinci sketch for a siege machine

Leonardo da Vinci sketch for a siege machine
Military machine for firing arrows with a crossbow, designed by Leonardo da Vinci. Woodcut with a watercolor wash

Background image16th Century Collection: Leonardo da Vinci drawing of a canal dredge

Leonardo da Vinci drawing of a canal dredge
Leonardo da Vincis drawing of a device for excavating a canal. Woodcut reproduction with a watercolor wash

Background image16th Century Collection: Raphael

Portrait of artist Raphael. Digitally colored engraving of a painting

Background image16th Century Collection: Michelangelo

Portrait of artist Michelangelo. Digitally colored 19th-century photograph of a portrait

Background image16th Century Collection: Turkish defeat in the Battle of Lepanto, 1571

Turkish defeat in the Battle of Lepanto, 1571
Defeat of the Turkish fleet by the Holy League under Don Juan of Austria, Battle of Lepanto, 1571. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Virginia map, 1588

Virginia map, 1588
Thomas Harriots map of Virginia, 1588. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a document

Background image16th Century Collection: Rabelais

Portrait of Francois Rabelais. Hand-colored reproduction of a portrait

Background image16th Century Collection: Europe in the mid-1500s

Europe in the mid-1500s
Map of Europe during the early Protestant Reformation. Printed color lithograph of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Theatrical performance in the time of Shakespeare

Theatrical performance in the time of Shakespeare
View of the old stage and balcony in an Elizabethan theater. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Mystery play performed in medieval Coventry, England

Mystery play performed in medieval Coventry, England
Coventry Mystery performance in the 1400s or 1500s, England. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Queen Elizabeth enjoying a play by Shakespeare

Queen Elizabeth enjoying a play by Shakespeare
One of Shakespeares plays acted before Queen Elizabeth. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Pizarro capturing Inca stronghold in Peru, 1533

Pizarro capturing Inca stronghold in Peru, 1533
Pizarros assault on the Inca fortress of Sacsahuaman, Peru, 1533. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: EXPL2A-00112

Spanish priests destroying Aztec idols in Mexico. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Spanish attacked by Aztec warriors during La Noche Triste

Spanish attacked by Aztec warriors during La Noche Triste
La Noche Triste. when Aztec soldiers overwhelmed Cortess forces in Tenochtitlan. Printed color lithograph of a 19th-century painting by O. Graeff

Background image16th Century Collection: EXPL2A-00177

Inca city of Cusco, Peru, in 1556, after the Spanish conquest. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a 16th century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Brazilian cannibalism, 1500s

Brazilian cannibalism, 1500s
Natives eating and cooking human flesh, northern Brazil, circa 1500. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 16th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Incas battling Spanish conquistadors in Peru

Incas battling Spanish conquistadors in Peru
Manco Inca Yupanqui leads attack on the Spanish in Cusco, Peru, 1536. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: Church in Mexico City founded by Cortes

Church in Mexico City founded by Cortes
Church and Hospital of Jesus, founded by Cortes in Mexico City, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image16th Century Collection: EXPL2A-00294

Tenochtitlan, capital city of Aztec Mexico, an Island connected by causeways to land, 1520s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an early Spanish colonial map

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